Let’s learn more about the anatomy of the forearms, biceps and triceps, location in the body and some exercises for each muscle group. To give you what you are really looking for you can watch video below explaining each workout.
First and foremost let’s get something straight. We all know that the biceps are the show muscle for your physique. When someone asks you to show your muscles, 9 times out of 10 you flex your biceps.
It is great to have well developed biceps, but make sure you don’t forget to train the rest of your muscles in the upper and lower arm with the same volume and intensity as you do your biceps.
All exercises should be performed in perfect form because bad form or habits that you start now will follow you and will lead to lack of progress or worse, injury in the future. To prevent this we would recommend you to see one of our professional personal trainer with free introduction session. You wont be disappointed as we have high quality fitness equipment and are open 24 hours 7 days a week. Get in touch with our Campbelltown gym today!
(Source: Bodybuilding by Alex Steward /